Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

British companies face a fine of up to £ 17m for these violations, the government takes strict EU legislation

British companies face a fine of up to £ 17m for these violations, the government takes strict EU legislation

British companies will be forced to publicly disclose data breaches and face fines amounting to tens of millions of pounds after the government cracked down on cyber-security, and said it would take stringent EU legislation on data protection, in spite of the vote to leave the Union. The adoption of these standards and the expansion of Brussels, which is due to come into force in 2018, is a measure is seen as crucial to stay in the single market. EU law, which is called the General Provisions on data protection (GDPR), introduces stricter penalties for companies that suffer data breaches, mandates that they should report when violations occur, and forces them to obtain explicit consent before processing the information of citizens.

Correct me if there are mistransliteration


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