Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Apple, take the "time remaining" battery life laptop

Apple, take the "time remaining" battery life laptop

Apple, find a response to customer complaints about the battery life on MacBook Pro: It eliminates the "time remaining" on-screen battery indicator.

Update comes on the heels of customer complaints about the lives of the latest models of MacBook Pro batteries, with some offline To Reddit and customer support Apple claimed that their laptops lasted from three to six hours, trimming evident from Apple promises 10 hours of battery life. 9to5Mac reported Tuesday that Apple, examined this question and decided that the problem was not with the battery, but with "the remaining time before" feature, which often understate the amount of battery left. And the company has not changed promise 10-hour battery. battery-life claims, however, are often based on the specific configuration and optimized computer. 9to5Mac did some tests and came up with about 8 hours of battery performance for the MacBook Pro.


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